
As humans, we all love the sense of belonging, and that’s exactly what family means. Diwali is one of many occasions where one can experience the familial bond. It’s also the perfect time to take a well-deserved break from all the stressors in life and refresh the body and mind with plenty of leisurely activities. Despite being caught up in hectic schedules, most people even take trips back home to their families. They prefer to take time out to spend it with their loved ones and often like to pamper them with thoughtful presents as a sign of affection. Many a time, it is common to distribute Diwali sweets gift packs or Diwali chocolate. This has been a tradition for years now. However, spending time with someone besides giving them a present is the best way to strengthen an emotional bond or form a new one.


Here are a few things to do this Diwali with the ones that matter to experience #joyinsideandout.


Get cooking with your partner-in-crime


Diwali is the best time to showcase your cooking skills, if not to perfect them. Make a list, go grocery shopping with your partner and plan the menu – start simple. This way, you can have everything you need to avoid chaos in the kitchen. When it comes to the act of cooking itself, it’s always a great idea to set the mood with candles, or in this case, diyas if you like. And with soft tunes playing in the background, the two of you can talk about everything under the sun while simultaneously whipping up a delicious feast. This at-home special date night is a great couple activity that builds a sense of intimacy and strengthens your relationship. As for dessert, you can always count on the Cadbury celebration Diwali chocolates like the Silk Miniatures. There’s no rush to eat them all when you could use the remainder of your Diwali chocolate for a round-two in the kitchen, a.k.a the ultimate baking session!


Go shopping for Diwali gift hampers with the BFF


One of the most exciting things about Diwali is the shopping! Everyone loves indulging in retail therapy. Now, whether it’s shopping an entire closet for yourself or putting together Diwali gift hampers, doing it alone can be exhausting. On the contrary, taking your best friend along could mean getting an extra pair of eyes while also having someone to keep you entertained through it all. If you haven’t seen your best friend in a while, this could be a great idea for you to spend time together and catch up on everything. Moreover, those mouth-watering discounts and Diwali sales will make sure to not burn a hole into your pockets and leave you with a few extra bucks. Why not use them to get your friend a box of Diwali sweets online? Perhaps some Cadbury celebration Diwali chocolate would make for a great ‘thankyou’ gift. Like the Warm Wishes Rich Dry Fruit Collection – containing assorted confectionary in 3 flavours. Personalise it by adding a message and an image (a shopping selfie, maybe?), and you’re done! So, this way, you can get all the shopping done and strike off one name from the to-gift list.


Decorate the house with the kids


This one’s a fun activity for the kids and everyone involved! Decorating the house plays a pivotal role during Diwali, and getting as much help as you can is always a good idea. You can start by introducing the little ones to colouring the lines in between the rangoli designs or making the lanterns. Making greeting cards to give away with Diwali gifts are also a great idea. After all, nobody could refuse adorable doodles and glittery scribbles. This will make them feel like an essential part of the celebrations and can be quite stimulating to their minds. You can also teach them a few tricks of your own to help them realise their creative prowess. Knowing their attention span, kids are bound to easily lose interest or want a reward for their help. All you have to do is bribe them with Diwali chocolate, more specifically, the Warm Wishes Kids Potli. It contains 1 unit of Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut, 1 unit of Cadbury Chocobakes, 1 unit Gems Surprise, 1 unit of Silk Oreo, 1 unit of Dairy Milk Lickables, and 1 of unit Dairy Milk – good enough to keep them motivated.


Assemble Diwali Gifts for family with your parents


Parents always know the best Diwali gifts for family – whether it’s shopping vouchers or a Diwali sweet gift box, better known as mithai. They just seem to know everything. So assembling Diwali gift hampers with them is probably the best idea. It’s also the perfect excuse to chat about upcoming plans for the celebrations and get everything sorted. If you’re hosting a massive family gathering, getting them involved in the process might be a fun bonding activity for all of you. Just make sure you show your appreciation for all their help – the key is sharing some of that Diwali chocolate while you put together all the gifts.


So, get online, stock up on Cadbury Celebrations and make it a chocolate Diwali!

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