
This is a tough one. You got to make the gift special but not overly mushy (you don’t want to appear too cutesy!). It has to be something he would enjoy and something that will make him appreciate your thoughtfulness and good taste. So putting together that Diwali gift for your boyfriend is not the easiest of tasks. It comes with its challenges, and the right choice must tick several boxes. We have put together some ideas to get you thinking. But remember, a gift must be personalised to the giftee – as much as possible. So the ideas below are intended to get you on track, and then the rest is up to you!


Diwali Sweets Box: For the Boyfriend with a Sweet ‘Jaw’!


So, he is a foodie or, rather, a ‘sweet-ie’ and adores all things sweet. CadburyGifting is your must-go-to if this is your boyfriend! We recommend the Silk Miniatures Pack of 2. This has 25 bite-sized chocolates, which he can enjoy on the go, at work or when taking a break. The best part is that when you order from CadburyGifting, you can personalise the gift with a photo of the two of you, his name and a message from your heart to yours! (You are allowed to be a mite corny!)


But, this is not all. In the Diwali sweets box hamper for your beloved with a ‘sweet jaw’, don’t forget to add something you cook or bake specially for him. You may bake his favourite butter cake or make the rose-scented gulab jamuns he loves, but here’s what will make the Diwali ‘hamper’ of goodies sweeter: Cook a meal from scratch and invite him over (you can gift him the Miniatures Pack at the end of the evening).


You don’t have to be a gourmet cook, just select some easy-but-delicious recipes and take help if need be to turn out a meal he would remember. Use the best table linen, crockery you have; add the scented candles; his favourite music… whatever makes his idea of the perfect meal. Do this pre-Diwali, and if you live with family, try and find a day and time when you have the house to yourself. Work the details for the sake of romance!


The Diwali Hamper to Beat all Hampers!


This is a hamper with a difference – in that it is not a physical hamper, but a series of gifts that he receives in the run up to Diwali. Yes, this will require some amount of planning, but it is worth it. He will love you for having made the effort, and of course, enjoy the thoughtful gifts as well. The presents need not be expensive or elaborate but choose things that you know he will like or quirky stuff that will make him smile. Search the Net to look for the right things. For instance, a quirky ‘him-&-her’ T-shirt; an Asterix comic book (his all-time favourite); a globe lamp; an old-fashioned fountain pen… the idea is to give him things that are sure to delight him and tickle his fancy.


The final gift in this run-up has to be a gift of chocolate, and what better than a personalised Diwali chocolate box from CadburyGifting? Check out the Warm Wishes Cane Basket that comes with a brass diya, symbolising the Festival of Light. List your wishes for him this festive season in the personalised message you can send along with the CadburyGifting Diwali chocolate box. A photo and his name add the final delightful touch of sweetness to the unique ‘Diwali hamper’.


The BEST Diwali ‘Gift’ for your Boyfriend


What could this possibly be, you ask? Here’s what we mean!


All couples have things that they wish they could tweak in their partners, things that may irritate them. These may be small things but tend to bother them, nonetheless. This Diwali, pledge to change this! Here are some examples to help you figure what it is that you may want to ‘fix’ as a Diwali gift for your boyfriend.


For instance, you may love to go out to spend evenings at noisy pubs, but he may be more the type who enjoy a quiet evening at home, chatting, and maybe ordering in instead of going out for dinner. Strike a mid-path – do not always push to go out, and if you do, perhaps you could choose a quiet place of his liking. Or check this example: He would like you to spend time with his buddies once in a while, but it’s always a bone of contention between you. Ease up, let the boys have their time together. Find something to enjoy in your me-time…


These are just small ways you can surprise him – and improve your relationship. Before you know it, he will be reciprocating by making the changes he knows you will appreciate!


Send Diwali chocolates for his Folks


CadburyGifting is your best bet here. Choose from our range of Diwali chocolate boxes and write them a personalised message wishing them for Diwali. The Rich Dry Fruit Collection box will do nicely – marries the sweetness of chocolate with dry fruits - the traditional gift for Diwali. Do one better and go over to wish them!


Make it a ‘Cadbury celebrations Diwali’ this year. Enjoy!

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